
The purpose of this graduate-level course is introducing a distributed application system and understanding the related issues. In this semester, the main topic of this course is a recommender system. The course covers the essential of recommender systems such as recommendation techniques (collaborative, content-based, knowledge-based and hybrid) and evaluation methods, as well as exploring some further issues such as security issues, online market decision making process, recommendation systems in next generation web or IoT/ubiquitous environment. Also, this course intend that students catch up the recent research issues related to recommender systems. Extensive paper reading/presentation assignments and a project related to recommender systems will be issued.


Kyungbaek Kim
Office : Engineering Building #6, 715
Tel : +82-62-530-3438
Email :
Office Hours : Wed 11:00 ~ 12:00

Time and Location

Tuesday 9:00-12:00, Engineering Building #6, 106


Grading Policy

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes are accessible through the eClass of JNU portal.

Homeworks, Quiz, Midterm/Final Exam

All of the materials related to homeworks, quiz, midterm exam and final exam, including solutions, are accessible through the eClass of JNU portal.