
An Operating System is the major component for using a computer system efficiently and conveniently. This course explores the basic concepts and implementations of an operating system such as process management, memory management and Input/Output management. According to this, students develop the ability of implementing and managing an operating system for an arbitrary computer system efficiently and effectively.


Kyungbaek Kim
Office : Engineering Building #6, 715
Tel : +82-62-530-3438
Email :
Office Hours : Thue 4:30pm ~ 5:30pm

Time and Location

Tue 1:30pm-3:00pm, Thur 1:30pm-3:00pm, Engineering Building #6, 102

Main Text

Operating System Concepts (8th Edition), Avi Silberschatz, Peter Baer Calvin, Greg Gagne

Reference Texts

Grading Policy

Lecture Notes

Lecture notes are accessible through the eClass of JNU portal.

Homeworks, Quiz, Midterm/Final Exam

All of the materials related to homeworks, quiz, midterm exam and final exam, including solutions, are accessible through the eClass of JNU portal.